- Zubereitungsdauer: 15 Minuten
- Kochzeit: 45 Minuten
- Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4
- Portionen: 4

1. Place the fish on a plate or plate. Mix 1 tablespoon of Canderel with the peel and juice of one lemon, pepper and olive oil, season and brush onto the fish. Set aside.
2. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C / gas level 6. In addition to the tomatoes, place the vegetables on a deep roasting tray, drizzle with the oil and mix, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle the rest of Canderel over it. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes.
3. Take the tin out of the oven, place the tomatoes between the vegetables, spread the basil over them and put the fish on top.
4. Roast for another 15 minutes in the oven. If desired, the tomatoes can be crushed after cooking and mixed with the other vegetables.
5. Spread the basil leaves over it. Place the fish on a plate to serve and arrange the vegetables around the fish with a spoon. Serve with a salad of watercress, spinach and rocket and boiled new potatoes.
Tip: other fish species are also suitable for this recipe, especially salmon, cod, trout, cichlid or seabream.
353 kcal per serving
4 x 130g Wolfbarschfilets
2 EL Canderel Streusüße
Geriebene Schale und Saft von einer Zitrone
1/2 TL Paprika
2 TL Olivenöl
2 kleine Zucchini, in dicke Scheiben geschnitten
2 rote Zwiebeln, in dicke Ecken geschnitten
1 rote und 1 gelbe Paprika, entkernt und in 3 cm dicke Stücke geschnitten
1 Fenchelknolle, gestutzt und grob gehackt
3-4 Knoblauchzehen, geschält und grob gehackt
250 g Kirchtomaten
1 EL Olivenöl
Kleine Handvoll Basilikumblätter, grob zerpflückt