- Zubereitungsdauer: 20 Minuten
- Kochzeit: 18 Minuten
- Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3
- Portionen: 12

1. Preheat oven to 200 ° C / guest level 6.
2. Place flour and baking powder in a medium bowl, squeeze 1/4 of the mixture in the strainer, and add the remaining flour along with the canderel and the grated lemon slice to the bowl.
3. Beat the egg with the milk, the oil and the vanilla extract, add to the dried ingredients and stir in quickly. Do not stir too long.
4. Place 12 paper cups in a deep muffin tin and spread the dough in it with a spoon. Sprinkle with the flour mixture set aside. Bake for 15-18 minutes in gold and bake firmly on top.
5. While the muffins are in the oven, prepare the fruit compote. Core the melon, peel it and cut the pulp into cubes and place in a bowl. Peel the grapefruit and remove the white skin. Cut between the membranes to loosen the crevices, halve them and add them to the melon along with the grapes. Cut off the ends of the kiwi, then remove the peel, cut into slices or pieces. Add the orange juice and canderel and mix loosely.
6. Serve the warm muffins with the fruit compote.
Tip: Add 2 chopped pieces of Stem Ginger (pickled in syrup ginger) to the fruit.
175 kcal per serving
Für die Muffins
250 g Vollkornmehl mit Backpulver
2 TL Backpulver
10 EL Canderel Streusüße
Geriebene Schale von einer Zitrone
1 großes Ei
300 ml Halbfettmilch
4 EL Sonnenblumenöl
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
1 Apfel, gerieben (mit Schale)
Für das Sommerobstkompott
1/2 kleine Melone
1 rote oder rosa Pampelmuse
Kleine rote oder grüne Trauben, halbiert (ca. 150 g)
2 Kiwis
3 EL Orangensaft